WPBSA Q Tour comes to Austria for the first time
Florian Nüssle storms to Grand Prix Title No. 28 with Century Break
Thomas Girstmair, Christian Pleschko & Martin Schmidt win Regional Leagues of the ABL Spring Season 2024
Austrian Snooker Rankings: Florian Nüßle still on top after third round
No Main Tour ticket for Austrians at WPBSA Q School 2024 in Leicester
Martin Schmidt achieves 9th place at World Billiards Open in Jersey; Dave Causier takes the title
Thomas Janzso achieves career highlight at the Grand Prix in Krems-Mautern
Martin Schmidt and Carl Walter Steiner competing in Anniversary Tournament in Jersey
WPBSA Snooker Q School 2024: Florian Nüßle and Paul Schopf are playing for a pro ticket
Alexander Ursenbacher wins 2024 Vienna Snooker Open
2024 Vienna Snooker Open
In Memoriam: Franz Starhan
Dave Causier is the World Billiards Matchplay Champion 2024; Carl Walter Steiner misses out on knockout rounds
Carl Walter Steiner represents Austria at World Billiards Matchplay Championship; Dave Causier wins Irish Open
World Matchplay warm-up for Carl Walter Steiner at the Irish Billiards Open
Florian Nüßle back at the top of the rankings with Grand Prix win

Fifth place for Florian Nüßle at the DMT Snooker Open 2024
Austrians shine with committed performance at EBSA European Snooker Championship; national champion Florian Nüßle dazzles with bronze medal
Lukas Stötzer demonstrates talent at EBSA Junior EC 
Florian Nüßle stopped before last step to Main Tour ticket
Dave Causier wins 2024 Austrian Billiards Open
Paul Schopf wins Grand Prix kick-off in Salzburg